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China tells its embassies to help Chinese, Taiwanese scam victims

August 31, 2022 China Events & Announcements

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a statement issued on its website, has urged its citizens overseas to report job scams and seek help from the country’s embassies or consulates.

The notice issued on Monday came after a number of Chinese were involved in job scams and human trafficking cases in Cambodia.

The Embassy in Cambodia is liaising closely with the Cambodian Government in the ongoing search and rescue of Chinese nationals

“Our embassy has so far received requests for help from more than 20 of our nationals, some from Taiwan, and Cambodian authorities has helped rescue some of them,” Zhao Lijian, spokesman for China’s Ministry Foreign Affairs, said on Monday.

“The government attaches great importance to this issue and is fully committed to protecting the safety and lawful rights and interests of overseas Chinese nationals, including compatriots from Taiwan,” he added.

“We once again remind our citizens to be vigilant against fake overseas job postings on the internet, and strictly abide by laws and regulations to protect themselves and promptly report any information related to fraud and gambling.

“We will continue to closely follow the handling of relevant cases. Compatriots from Taiwan and their families can also contact the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia to seek help promptly.”

Zhao Lijian added that in case of an emergency outside China, the victims should contact the local police immediately and get in touch with the Chinese embassy or consulate there.

Source: https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501141816/china-tells-its-embassies-to-help-chinese-taiwanese-scam-victims/
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