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Image Source Asian Gaming Brief

IDX Sharpens Focus on Core Casino Solutions with Sale of Computer Vision Division

June 4, 2024 World iGaming & GamblingIndustry Updates

Today, IDX, the industry leader in casino solutions, announced that Kam Tak Asia Ltd (KTA) has purchased its Computer Vision Division and its X-View product.

With this calculated decision, IDX can concentrate on its main products, which are X-Table, X-Trend, X-Stadium, and X-Bonus.

IDX’s X-View system’s assets and intellectual property will be acquired by KTA, a technological investment company that focuses on artificial intelligence and new technologies.

IDX will no longer be involved in this technology’s development, promotion, or maintenance.

“With this decision, IDX enters an exciting new chapter,” said Peter Johns, COO of IDX. “We’re committed to providing comprehensive solutions to our customers, and our X-Table dashboard will continue to include third-party integrations for a holistic casino management experience.”

IDX is steadfast in its devotion to its primary business, which is:

**X-Trend:** Trend-board solutions to optimize casino operations.
**X-Stadium:** ETG display solutions for an improved player experience.
**X-Bonus:** A table games bonusing solution to encourage players.
**X-Table:** A potent data dashboard that provides casinos with essential insights.

These tried-and-true technologies have assisted casinos in enhancing customer experiences, streamlining operations, and raising profits.

IDX aims to give its clients even more value in the cutthroat gaming industry by concentrating on these core competencies.

“X-Table, X-Trend, X-Stadium, and X-Bonus have been game-changers for our clients,” stated Johns. “We are eager to commit our resources to advancing the innovation of these solutions.

We will continue to supply casinos with the information they need to thrive by incorporating data from reliable outside partners.”

At exhibit A751 at the next G2E Asia expo, IDX will also be introducing new products.

Original Story by: Asian Gaming Brief

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