Macau to host Global Gaming Expo 2024
In 2024, Macau will host the Global Gaming Expo (G2E) Asia casino trade event, according to the event's organizers. According to a statement, there will not be a G2E Asia event in Singapore in 2019. The event, titled "G2E Asia and Asian IR Expo 2024," will take place from June 4 to 6 at Sands China [...]
dof expresses optimism on sale of pagcor casinos by 2...
The Philippine Department of Finance anticipates the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) to conclude the sale of [...]
chinese gambling boss involved in singapore money lau...
Wang Bingang, a Chinese national who played a significant part in the recent money laundering scandal in Singapore, has connection[...]
thailand deputy pm supports expansion of legal gambli...
The Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Somsak Thepsuthin, has expressed support for expanding legal gambling, particularly sports [...]
macau’s ggr in september projected to be $1.49 ...
For the first 24 days of September, Macau's gross gaming revenue (GGR) is projected to be about MOP 12 billion ($1.49 billion), or[...]
sands china expects fall in gaming revenue amid booki...
More than 80% of Sands China's hotel rooms are already secured for the upcoming Golden Week, according to Dr. Wilfred Wong, the co[...]
resorts world sentosa receives breach notices, fined ...
Three breach notices were issued by Singapore's new gambling regulator, the Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA), in the last year,[...]
let group revises agreement for hokkaido lot
A Hong Kong-listed investor in Asia-Pacific casino projects, LET Group Holdings Ltd., has altered the contract for the sale of a l[...]
wynn macau to hold new broadway resident productions
In order to produce a brand-new resident production for the Wynn Theater at Macau's Wynn Palace casino resort, Wynn Macau Ltd is c[...]
sjm conducts “product seminar” in jakarta...
SJM Holdings Ltd, a Macau-based company, recently held a "product seminar" in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the intention of promoting [...]