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Fintech-Ideas Brings Blockchain Functionality to Its Range of Platforms

July 4, 2022 World Blockchain

Enterprise software developer Fintech-Ideas has integrated a suite of blockchain tools to its SaaS offerings. The provision will enable businesses to utilize powerful web3 features such as tokenization, NFTs, and distributed storage.

The integration of blockchain functionality into the company’s fintech and marketing platforms will deliver web3 services on demand. Customers will be able to gain exposure to crypto-based technologies, including blockchain, with minimal setup costs and lead time.

Flagship Fintech-Ideas products such as Pushnoti, LiberSave, and ITTechAV are relied on by millions of customers for payments and marketing. The incorporation of web3 features will further extend their functionality and unlock new revenue streams for forward-thinking businesses. Fintech-Ideas also services the media industry through a brace of products. Aussiedlerbote Zeitung offers readers a wide range of media content and TechZeitung supports the convenient and high-scale exchange of entrepreneurial skills and expertise.

Source: https://cryptonews.com/news/fintech-ideas-brings-blockchain-functionality-to-its-range-of-platforms.htm
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